Remote Work Survey Template

We value your insights and experiences as a remote worker. This anonymous survey aims to gather your thoughts on various aspects of remote work, including your challenges, successes, and overall satisfaction. Your feedback is essential in helping us enhance our work environment and support for all team members.

What do you enjoy most about working remotely?*

What challenges do you face while working remotely?*

How effective do you find the current communication tools we use?*

Do you feel connected to your team while working remotely? Why or why not?*

How often do you participate in virtual team meetings?*

How would you rate your work-life balance while working remotely? (5 is the best)*

Are you able to disconnect from work after hours? If not, what prevents you?*

Do you feel more or less productive when working from home compared to the office? Please explain.*

What suggestions do you have for improving remote work processes in our organization?

Is there anything else you’d like to share about your remote work experience?

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Anonymously vote on and discuss existing ideas or submit your own on a public forum. Access the idea portal.

Copyright © 2024 Corpell, LLC and Incogneato.

An asterisk (*) indicates a required field.

Anonymously vote on and discuss existing ideas or submit your own on a public forum. Access the idea portal.

Copyright © 2024 Corpell, LLC and Incogneato.

An asterisk (*) indicates a required field.