Performance Review Template

Welcome to your Performance Review. This form is designed to facilitate a comprehensive and constructive evaluation of your recent performance, achievements, and areas for development. The purpose of this review is to recognize your contributions, set goals for the future, and provide support to help you grow both professionally and personally.

What were your most significant accomplishments since the last review?*

How effectively did you meet or exceed your performance goals?*

What specific areas need further development or improvement?*

How well do you manage your time and prioritize tasks?*

How would you rate your communication skills with colleagues and supervisors?*

How effectively do you solve problems and handle unexpected challenges?*

In what ways have you demonstrated initiative and innovation in your role?*

How dependable are you in completing tasks and meeting deadlines?*

What professional development opportunities or support would benefit you going forward?*

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Copyright © 2024 Corpell, LLC and Incogneato.

An asterisk (*) indicates a required field.

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Copyright © 2024 Corpell, LLC and Incogneato.

An asterisk (*) indicates a required field.