Adding an anonymous feedback link to your e-mail signature

Posted March 27th, 2015

Chances are, you’ve received an e-mail from someone with a little blurb at the bottom saying something to the effect of “How am I doing? E-mail my manager at”. By giving your recipient the ability to e-mail your manager, you’re boldly stating that you have full confidence in your integrity, and are willing to put your reputation – and possibly your job – on the line.

It can also be very useful to solicit feedback for your own use. For example, you could ask something like “Do you have any tips for how I could have better helped you?”

Corpell Anonymous box makes it easy to do both. And most importantly, it lets your recipients do it anonymously so the feedback may be more candid. Managers can create one box for each of their employees and have them place their answer page link in their e-mail signature line. Or, employees can each create their own box and do the same. Create as many boxes are you want at

Any other ideas for how to use Corpell Anonymous Box with e-mail? Post a comment below!